Poteries Marty Lezoux 1Poteries Marty Lezoux 1
©Poteries Marty Lezoux 1|© Kristel Schneider, Photograph

May 25 & 26, 2024 The Potters' Market in Bort l'Etang

The Potters’ Market in Bort-l’Étang brings together dozens of local craftsmen over the course of a weekend. It perpetuates the memory of a ceramic tradition that goes back two thousand years. As the site of numerous archaeological digs, the Lezovian basin keeps the tradition alive. Free admission.

Potters in Livradois-Forez : a very old story

Ceramics in the Lézovien region has a long history. With a rich soil characterized by a wide variety of clays, Limagne has always been home to a major craft industry. Earth and fire are two quintessential elements ofvolcanic Auvergne. Ceramics provide an ideal field for their expression. Over the past 2,000 years, the kilns of the Livradois region have produced treasures of craftsmanship that have never quite died out.

Archaeology has thus highlighted the major role played by Lezoux in the production of sigillated ceramics between the Iᵉʳ and IVᵉ centuries. Around this imperial center, a whole local activity developed. This continued through the Middle Ages and into modern times. The discovery of black pottery in Bort-l’Étang only confirms the village’s presence in this ancient industrial complex.

Programming and events Potters' Market

Find out more about the events and demonstrations planned for the Bort-l’Étang Potters’ Market.

The market takes place at Place des Platanes in Bort-l’Étang, a 2,000 m² site on the edge of the village between the village hall and the community center.

Two parking lots will be specially marked for the occasion.

From Ravel to Bort-l'Étang

Given this prestigious past, the Comité d’Animation Culturelle (CAC) de Bort-L’Étang decided to organize its first Marché des Potiers. Held for 25 years at Ravel, under the aegis of the ” Comité des potiers “, with 20,000 visitors a year, the ceramics event saw its last edition in 2015. It is now being reborn near Lezoux. Thanks to the collaboration of former Ravel market organizers and CAC volunteers. A way of retricking past and present and returning the event to its public.

On May 25 and 26, 2024, you’ll be able to meet some 30 potters from all over France and abroad. They’ll be showcasing their one-of-a-kind creations, as well as a range of manufacturing techniques (stoneware, earthenware, raku, porcelain…). You’ll also be able to take part in a range of activities open to adults and children alike.

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