Choose the discovery train,is to indulge in slow tourism
The railcar is a unique and emblematic means of transport, developed until the 1960s by Renault and Michelin in collaboration with the SNCF. It offers a unique travel experience, quite different from modern means of transport. Initially designed to serve regional or rural lines, the railcar stands out for its specific design, combining functionality and old-fashioned charm. It is a light rail vehicle, rarely exceeding 30 km/hour. Carefully refurbished and operated by volunteer rail enthusiasts, these historic trains are now exclusively dedicated to tourist adventure.
The Livradois-Forez Regional Nature Park is an ideal destination for discovering the charm of railcar travel. The first section is operated by the AGRIVAP association. Its 42-kilometer route from Ambert to La Chaise Dieu is one of the longest tourist lines in France run by an association. It crosses viaducts, tunnels and rolling countryside, offering passengers an immersive experience at the heart of the Livradois-Forez landscape.