The RELF association, created in 1994, has been chaired by Bernard for 15 years. It now has 180 volunteers. Do you know the work undertaken by these motivated walkers? Every year, they mark out some 2,500km of trails in the Livradois-Forez region.
Much more than just a hobby, their demanding attention to itineraries also includes the maintenance of certain areas and the erection of safety signs around dams or sensitive sites. In this way, they ensure that hikers from all over the world find their way around safely.
The association also works to harmonize and respect common marking rules. As a result, the same types of signs can be found all along the Livradois-Forez trails. You’ll find them below:
Green markings: hike over 4 hours
Or yellow markings: hikes between 2 and 4 hours
Also, blue markings: hike less than 2 hours