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History and Organization Presentation of the Maison du tourisme du Livradois-Forez

Objectives :

  • to improve services for visitors and tourism service providers, while relying on local residents to help the destination emerge ;
  • create a collective desire for “Livradois-Forez, Regional Nature Park in Auvergne” as a destination;
  • to increase the number of visitors purchasing a stay.

Internal organization

  • 27 permanent staff (24 salaried employees; 2 agents provided by local authorities; a dozen seasonal workers).
  • 23.4 full-time equivalents
  • 11 different workplaces.
  • A budget of around 1.2 million euros

Some of the actions undertaken by the Maison du tourisme

  • Provision of services to tourism service providers as part of a partner package: promotion of their activities on the website and in brochures; distribution of their documents in tourist information offices; training; development of online sales tools; ticketing service; information on accommodation availability, etc.
  • Welcoming visitors at tourist information offices and, increasingly, “outside the walls” (e.g., hospitality events at accommodation facilities with more than 100 beds, etc.).
  • Organization of heritage-related events.
  • Management of a destination website
  • Editions of promotional and information documents, including the Destination Magazine
  • Communication of the destination via digital tools
  • Participation in communication operations
  • Creation of product catalogs
  • Customer canvassing (direct or via intermediaries)

The Maison du tourisme in figures:

  • 300,000 unique visitors to the website
  • 33,000 visitors/year advised at tourist information offices
  • 3,500 tickets sold for concerts, festivals, shows, museums and sporting activities
  • 2,500 km of trails maintained in collaboration with RELF and local authorities
  • More than 300 partner tour operators
  • More than 100 groups/year welcomed to the region, generating between €100,000 and €150,000 in revenue.
  • More than 100 tourism service providers supported in developing online sales of their activities
  • 8 tourist information offices (Ambert, Arlanc, Billom, Courpière, Olliergues, Saint-Anthème, Saint-Germain-L’Herm, Thiers and a seasonal one in Saint-Rémy-sur-Durolle).

The directors 

The association is made up of ex-officio and active members:

  • ex officio members: the communities of communes and the Park’s syndicat mixte (Chairman, Vice-Chairman, etc.)
  • Active members: representatives of the socio-professional players essential to the organization of tourism in the region.

    The MDT is managed jointly by socio-professionals and local elected representatives. Service providers can become members:

    • By subscribing to a partner pack (which includes membership). Approximately 315 service providers in 2018.
    • By simply becoming a member to take part in the life of the association.
      List of elected representatives

     Elected representatives

    Corinne MONDIN, President
    Alain NÉRON, Vice-President, Marketing
    Annick FORESTIER, Vice-President, Customer and Commercial Relations
    Bernard AUROY, Vice President, Offer Qualification
    Céline AUGER, Vice-President in charge of reception and local relations
    Frédéric CHONIER, Vice-President in charge of partner relations
    Christine MILLER, Secretary
    Jean JALLAT, Treasurer
    Guy GORBINET, Deputy Treasurer
    Valérie GOBILLARD, Board member
    Marie-Paule DAUPHIN
    François ANSEL
    Gilles VAYSSIERE

    Nicole BOUCHERAT
    Bernard BERAUD
    Georges CHAMPAIN
    Chantal FACIE
    Alain MOLIMARD
    Michelle CIERGE
    Bernard LORTON
    Patrick SAUZEDDE
    Atlantique DE LAVERNAY
    Pierre CONTIE
    Helen SLIK

    The technical team

    The Maison du tourisme is organized into the following departments:

    • Territory, welcome and local relations
    • Production and marketing
    • Customer and commercial relations
    • Administration
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