Suggestion and information sheets
Suggestion sheets
Information sheets Download blank APIDAE questionnaires
The Apidae platform is a database used to collaboratively manage tourist information for all the territories covered by the digital project. This platform enables tourist information to be entered, stored and used to provide customers with information on the destinations of network members. This information is distributed at reception, by telephone or by email, and/or is used to feed the digital projects of community members (web and mobile sites, interactive terminals, information panels, publications, etc.). This platform is also used in other regions and is expanding.
To ensure that our information is always accurate, we ask you to update your offers every year. This work feeds not only our website, but also a number of other sites:
https://www.auvergne-destination.com/ (Conseil Départemental du Puy-de-Dôme)
http://fr.auvergnerhonealpes-tourisme.com/ (Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region)
https://www.loireforez.com/ (Tourism in Forez)…